Congrats to all our students for their new stripes! Para Bellum is not giving out stripes and belts that easy - you really have to earn it! All of our students are working hard and all improved a lot!! For some only small additional improvements have to be done and then they will receive their next reward! With that said - all of you keep going and improving! Thanks for all to be part pf Para Bellum! Thanks as well to the Ruckus Squad for the support!!!
Following the Belt Promotion/Graduation the Para Bellum Jiu Jitsu Academy / GFTeam Zurich was having the 1. general meeting.
Stefan Rüegg as the general manager of Para Bellum jiu jitsu / GFTeam Zurich did a review over the last 8xmonths. As Para Bellum started at the end of 2017, the team grew from just a few to 26x hard working students, winning several medals on the way at regional and international tournaments! Something that not a lot of other teams were able to achieve in this short timeframe! This shows that Para Bellum and mostly their students are doing great work!!!
Stefan was informing as well about future steps, the move to a new bigger and better location, the new class schedule, the new training regimen, some changes in the marketing strategy & in the board commite and as well other news!